Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Golden Nuggets
-Listen to people.
-RACE. Research, Action, Communication and Evaluation.
-Build relationships that take you into the future.
-Put Some PASSION in your life! Be Better.
-Don't ever let someone tell you you can't do something 
-You want something, go get it. Period. 
-Treat everyone like a VIP!
-All Public Relations is local!
-Take a global Idea and make it local.
-Don't try to impress people... just be impressive.
-If you invest more, you get more. 
-No secrets!
-Always approach people like they are part of the solution- not cause of the problem. 
-Know your audience.
-Learn social media
-When you have an idea... don't stop until you make it happen.
-Sometimes the oldest tricks in the book still work :)
-Be Authentic
-Listen to the voice of your consumer
-Presentation is everything
-Say Thank you!
-The door is wide open... Step in!
-Be nice to everyone
-Know your journalist!
-Creativity is the lifeblood of good PR
-Be creative, unique, and different.
-Be willing to take a RISK
-If you're coasting it means you're going down hill
-Always keep pushing the envelope
-Team Work!
-You do what you gotta do to get it done! 
-Passion! Enthusiasm! Hope! Possibility! Achievement! 
-The future is what you make it to be

And so much more.... The "Golden Nuggets" were endless!

THANK YOU PRSSA Conference!  

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